It can be quite hard to navigate the mental health system but broadly speaking you can access:
Vita Minds This is a primary care level of mental health service which offers structured cognitive behavioural therapy in a time limited capacity to people with a wide range of mental health problems. You can self-refer to this service and if you require a different service they should be able to guide you as to what you need.
In summary there is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Service, a Psychodynamic Service and a Therapy Service for People with a Personality Disorder (TSPPD).
You can also ask to be referred to a Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) in your local area if you meet their criteria for complexity of mental health problem, which can often include risk related difficulties (suicide, self harm, self neglect). Within this service you can access psychological therapies delivered by a range of health professionals but also ask to be referred to a Clinical Psychologist if suitable.
There are many other specialist services for a wide range of difficulties as listed in the link above.
Telephone and Online Support Services
Mental Health Support Helplines:
Turning Point 0808 800 3302 (24 hour helpline) - more details in the LPT link above
Sane-Line (4.30pm-10.30pm every day of the year) on 0300 304 7000.
Text Shoutto 85258 a free texting service in the UK; offering confidential support, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. You will be referred to a trained CRISIS Volunteer, who can provide support but not medical advice. If at any time you wish to end the conversation, text STOP and you won’t receive any further texts
Safeguarding Concerns: If you have concerns that a child or vulnerable adult is at risk of abuse (emotional, physical or sexual) then please contact your local authority (local council) safeguarding children or vulnerable adults department.