Traumatic stress is a normal response to events that are overwhelming and frightening, they may leave the person feeling powerless and helpless. They may occur as a one-of event or a series of events. Common examples may be:
violence or abuse (e.g. assaults, emotional, physical or sexual abuse in adulthood or childhood)
accidents (e.g. road traffic accident, negligence, house fires, burglary)
natural disasters, terror attacks, combat stress
Other traumatic events that may be deemed more typical life events include:
bereavement and loss (death of a loved one, miscarriage, redundancy, loss of health or end of relationship)
bullying or shaming experiences
intoxication or psychotic experiences (events while intoxicated or under a psychotic experience)
Common responses to traumatic events:
flashbacks and reliving past events
intrusive thoughts and feelings
nightmares and sleep disturbance
being easily startled and being hyper-alert for danger